Friday, March 28, 2008

Pictures of cute tiger babies

Michael Inks of the Marcan Tiger Preserve was kind enough to tell us about the three 7-month-old tiger babies with this year's Tigers of India Bengal Tiger Show. The babies are Orissa, a snow white tiger; Ravi, a golden tabby; and Sahib, a standard Bengal. They're from the same litter and will be part of the shows going on everyday. They'll appear at the end of the shows, so stick around! They're about 90 pounds right now - the size of a large dog - but were only about 2 pounds when they were first born. As for the adults, there are seven adult tigers with the show this year.

Click here for more tiger photos - sorry if I went a little overboard but they're so cute!

And here's some video by Liz Fabian.

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